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Kamloops Advocates against decriminalization of public drug use

Kamloops Advocates for end to Public Drug Use

April 24, 20242 min read

“If Bill-34 is unsuccessful Kamloops City Council is requesting a halt to [drug] decriminalization.” - Kamloops city Council

April 24, 2024

In the latest Kamloops Council News, City Council has finally had enough and decided to advocate against public drug use.


The province passed Bill 34: Restricting of Public Consumption of Illegal Substances Act. Which banned use of illegal substances within 15m of schools and parks and gave police and municipalities authority to deal with unsafe and nuisance drug use in public.

This bill was blocked by a group called Harm Reduction Nurses Association who took the issue to the BC Supreme court and won an injunction against the province in October 2023. This injunction was upheld when the province attempted to appeal it in March 2024.

Upon passing of the motion put forward by Councillor Katie Neustaeter, Council has sent a letter to Premiere David Eby in support of Bill-34 and the Restricting of Public Consumption of Illegal Substances Act and against the Supreme Court injunction.

The letter states:

"We urge the Supreme Court to reconsider their decision and allow Bill-34 to be implemented so that we can better protect our community and prevent further harm"


"If Bill-34 is unsuccessful Kamloops City Council is requesting a halt to [drug] decriminalization"

Bill Sarai, acting deputy mayor, signed the letter in place of Mayor Hamer-Jackson.

KCSC reached out to Mayor Hamer-Jackson and asked why he hadn't signed the letter. After expressing surprise that KCSC had been able to attain a copy of the letter before the Mayor himself, he went on to say "The letter was supposed to come from the Mayor. I wanted to add that Kamloops already has government supported consumption sites in all of the shelters and several supportive housing facilities - Why not open them to the public? If they were open to the public, there would be no reason for people to do drugs in public parks when there are safe consumption sites all over the city. Its common sense. Nobody wants people doing drugs in front of their kids or businesses not even the people doing them"

KCSC applauds the council by taking this effort to advocate on behalf of the residents of Kamloops. We all deserve a safe place to live, work and go to school. Kamloops drug use in public areas, around business and schools is a serious health issue that needs a strong approach from local government. Recently Kamloops crime statistics have seen a reduction, but the 10 year trend is a significant increase since 2015.

Kamloops Decrimdecrimdecriminaliztionkamloops drug usekamloops drugs and crime
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With direct representation of Kamloops and area citizens, KCSC is your strongest voice in municipal and regional politics. Your voice is competing against big business, special interest, provincial, federal and even international agendas. The association works on your behalf to keep local government on task, accountable, focused on local issues while maintaining your individual rights.

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The Kamloops Citizen's Safety Committee Association is a non-profit association of residents within the REgional District of East Kootenay boundaries. We are unaffiliated with any political group or movement, and 100% grassroots.


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Phyllis C

Do you really want to know what is going on locally in our community this is the place to be. Very informative and interesting material. The people are very caring and very supportive of enhancing our community.

Sarah B

I’ve greatly enjoyed attending the recent Town Hall and Open House events put on by the KCSC. I find them very informative and I appreciate that facts are given and backed up with data vs personal opinion. The atmosphere is welcoming and the people attending and presenting are respectful and genuine. This association is a great addition to our community!

Beverly C

I have attended all meetings to date and will continue to go! These meetings are truthful, informative and honestly fun as we are meeting new people and contributing to the community!So thankful for this association!


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Kamloops Citizen's Safety Committee