UNESCO Kamloops

(VIDEO) KCSC @ City Council - Sept 26, 2023

September 26, 20234 min read

Council just approved a motion to join the United Nations Coalition of Inclusive Municipalities...

Of note, Fortis BC gave a presentation outlining the challenges of electrifying and carbonizing BCs energy supply. City council asked relevant questions regarding the transition and feasibility of converting to an all electric grid.

Fortis asked for a letter of recommendation from Kamloops on their Renewable Natural Gas application to the BC Utilities Commission. Fortis is applying to the commission to have new builds still have access to RNG even though the level 4 step code requires ZERO CARBON. The motion was put forward to write the letter, but not before councillors Bepple, Bass and Neustadter objected. Their objections were based on council being able to hear an update from Manager Cheetham first. Bepple used the term "Fossil Gas" which is being pushed by a group of climate alarmists known as the Climate Caucus.

Geoff Snicer on behalf of the KCSC spoke on the importance of gas and keeping home prices low and affordable to match the councils strategic goals. KCSC supports the RNG project in so far as it will continue to provide power to new home builds giving BC residents options to heat their homes.

The anti energy crowd was out in full force. With several speakers noting issues with Fortis marketing of their request to the BCUC along with the same old tropes of health issues and keeping the children safe. One speaker, an RN, presented the talking points from CAPE and CANE (Canadian Association of Physicians/Nurses for the Environment), but did not have any first hand evidence of gas stoves causing injuries to people in Kamloops.

Mayor Hamer-Jackson tabled a motion to reopen the decision from September 5th to decommission the 'at-risk' portions of the Noble Creek Irrigation System to allow for opportunities to find funding from provincial sources to repair the at risk areas. Council voted against it unanimously.


A report was presented by consultant Mackie for the City of Kamloops to join the Coalition of Inclusive Municipalities.  This report was requested by Councillor Bepple. The Coalition of Inclusive Municipalities is a United Nations organization.  This is plainly discussed in the report tabled before the council. The report outlines how UNESCO will offer training to city employees, and how the city will have to adopt UNESCO reporting framework and goals to be part of the coalition.  Part of this is a voluntary reporting to the UNESCO on several of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Costs were estimated to be between $12,000 and $40,000 per year.

UNESCO - Coalition of Inclusive Municipalities

UNESCO - Coalition of Inclusive Municipalities

A motion was tabled to accept the report recommendations by councillor Middleton, and seconded by Councillor Karpuk. There were no objections.

It says clearly in the report that to join the coalition the city must align its goals with those of the United Nations.  This is a perfect example of regional governance through administration. An un-elected unaccountable foreign entity is now working directly at the municipal level and the municipality has to conform to the foreign entity's goals.  

United Nations in Kamloops BC

UNESCO in Kamloops

KCSC pointed out that as per the KCSC charter, the association would expose outside influence in local government and that there couldn't be a more obvious example than this motion. Canada is a first world democracy and doesn't need the United Nations to tell us how to manage our society. As Canadians we should be offended at the very idea that we need help from the UN. Geoff Snicer reminded the council that their job is not to save the world, and they are accountable to Kamloops voters - Not the United Nations. Spending tax dollars on this project is a waste of money, and may be interpreted as a sign that City Council is unable to perform their duties in Kamloops without international help.

CCAP Update:

A report was presented by Sustainability Manager Cheetham updating council on the Community Climate Action Plan (CCAP).  The report only focused on positive aspects of the plan and like the CCAP itself, didn't discuss or mention the radical societal and economic changes that must accompany such a transition. Questions were posed from councillor O'Reilly on the ethical sourcing of battery material to avoid child labour, and whether or not the CCAP takes into account CO2 emissions in a holistic way over the lifecycle of the products.  Manager Cheetham dodges the question on child labour saying that even ICE vehicles and cell phones have the same lithium and rare metals, but then admitted that CCAP only takes into account operation emission reductions effectively ignoring the life cycle emissions created from products like EVs.

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